Welcome New Families
Welcome New Families
Congratulations on your child’s placement at Rooftop School for the 2023-24 school year! If you have any questions about the information below or any other concerns as you get ready for your child’s transition to a new school, please email us at welcome@rooftopk8.org. We look forward to meeting you!
Register Your Child at Rooftop
Make sure you have accepted your school assignment via ParentVUE’s online process. Please follow the directions on the assignment letter that was mailed to you by SFUSD or go to https://www.sfusd.edu/schools/enroll/enroll.
Sign up for School Communication
Our school’s communication system, ParentSquare, is pretty fancy, and you’ll learn more about it in the coming months. For now, we have the contact information you submitted to the school district’s Education Placement Center (EPC). If anything has changed, please fill out the following Welcome Committee Google form so that the PTA Welcome Committee can send you important information about events over the summer and help you connect with other families.
You can also like our Rooftop Facebook Page to get updates and reminders on all the great things going on in our community!
Join Us for 2024 Events!
Please note the following opportunities to learn more about the school and meet your student’s future classmates and their caregivers – as well as teachers and principals. You will have the opportunity to meet current Rooftop families and ask questions, as well as meet your future classmates. Feel free to bring along any friends who are interested in Rooftop for future rounds.
April 23 - Sunday 2-4 pm - Welcome Playdate #1
Location: St. Mary's Rec Center Playground, 95 Justin Dr, San Francisco, CA 94112 -
May 13 - Saturday 10 am-12 noon - Welcome Playdate #2
Location: Sunnyside Playground, 200 Melrose Ave, San Francisco, CA 94127 -
June 4 - Sunday 10 am-12 noon - Welcome Playdate #3
Location: Christopher Playground, 5210 Diamond Heights Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94131 -
August 12/13 - Saturday OR Sunday TBD - Welcome Playdate#4
Location: Rooftop School - Twin Peaks Campus -
August - date/time TBD - New Parent Zoom Orientation
August 16 - First Day of School - Welcome coffee after kid drop off @9:30 am
Before and After School Programs
Our on-site program is called CASA. It is an independent arts-based program that focuses on social justice and social-emotional wellness, and you can learn more about it at http://casasf.org/. CASA will offer after school programming until 6:30 p.m. Financial aid is available for qualifying families. Interested in CASA? Complete the inquiry form found here: https://www.casasf.org/enroll-info.
CASA enrollment for incoming TK & K students is NOW OPEN!
CASA also has spots open in their fabulous summer camp! You can learn more and enroll here. They will consider enrolling some incoming TK kids in camp- reach out to Leslie, the director, to see if your child is eligible.
A handful of off-site after-school programs of similar length provide busing to their location. You can learn more about those at http://rooftopk8.org/afterschool/afterschool-programs-offsite/.
Kinder Soccer
Kindergarten soccer is a great chance to exercise and get to know classmates! Please note that soccer at Rooftop is parent-organized. Because of an eccentricity with our league, we have to sign up SOON in order to have a team in the Fall. If you are interested in signing your child up for Fall 2024 soccer, please email welcome@rooftopk8.org ASAP. If you’d be up for considering a Team Manager or Coach role, please let us know that too, since we can’t have a team without volunteers! Practices are generally held one afternoon a week and games are on Saturdays.
Other Preparation
You don’t need to know anything more at this time, but if you’d like a sneak peak at previous years’ summer mailings, you can click below. This year’s edition will be released in July.
Rooftop Information Packet (2020 edition) * Will be updated soon*
Supporting Rooftop
When shopping at Sports Basement, sign up for the Basementeer program and designate Rooftop as your school to receive 10% off and earn 5% for Rooftop PTA!
Rainbow Grocery also donates to Rooftop PTA via their Community Rewards Program and the process is easier than ever. Just sign up at the Customer Service desk with your phone number and then remember to ask the cashier to connect your future purchases to that registered number each time you visit. Rainbow will donate an amazing 10%!
Please check our PTA website periodically for more ways to shop, dine, and recreate–and at the same time donate to Rooftop PTA!
Once School Starts
Check out the various committees looking for volunteers or fill out the volunteer interest form to figure out how best to support Rooftop!
Join the PTA (it’s not too early!)