Mayeda Enrichment

Welcome to Rooftop's middle school program at Mayeda campus!
Here you'll find details about after-school programs for your 6th, 7th and 8th grade students.
The African American Shakespeare Company (PTA Funded)
Arts education programming to middle school students during afterschool hours, in performing arts disciplines including theater and dance. Programs will give exposure to different art forms and provide social-emotional learning. The goal is to foster creativity and promote collaboration among students through interactive workshops.
Meets once a week throughout the school year.
Sports Teams
Rooftop's sports teams practice after-school, and compete against other SFUSD K-8 and middle schools. Team try outs for most sports occur in the Fall, with the exception of Soccer (Winter tryouts) and Track (Spring tryouts).
Rooftop's sports teams include:
Basketball, Girls & Boys
Soccer, Girls & Boys
Track, Girls & Boys
Baseball, Boys
Softball, Girls
Volleyball, Girls
Team practices generally start right at the end of the school day. Games are typically held at 3:00 pm, once or twice a week during the season.
Learn more about SFUSD Middle School sports offerings at:
Extra-curricular Activities
Many of Rooftop's extra-curricular activities occur during the school day, often at lunch. Some groups do meet afterschool, depending upon availability of staff and/or the students. Rooftop's extra-curricular groups are listed below; unless otherwise indicated, groups are open to all on a drop-in basis.
Student Council
Students work with faculty members on school initiatives & to organize various school events.
Meets: Wednesday Lunch
Election required, although all students are invited to attend meetings
Chess Club
Provides for open chess play during lunch.
Meets: Tuesday & Thursday Lunch
Math Counts
Students participate in math games with faculty sponsor, and the SF Mathlete program in Spring.
Meets: Wednesday after-school
Yearbook Committee
Students work with parent volunteers to design & build out the all-school yearbook.
Students gather photography and contribute to page lay out and design.
Meets: Friday after-school
Rainbow Ravens
Meets: Wednesday lunch
Dungeons and Dragons Club
Meets: Monday lunch
As long as there is a Rooftop teacher available to sponsor a group, we can add additional groups. Students with their own ideas for a committee they'd like to start are always welcome to propose the idea to a teacher!