
SFUSD Instrumental Music, Grades 4-5
Beginning in 4th grade, students can elect to participate in weekly instrumental music lessons, taught in small groups. Each year, instrumental music students host a Spring Festival performance for Rooftop students and the community. Participating students are also selected to represent Rooftop in SFUSD’s district-wide instrumental music festival.
San Francisco Symphony – Adventures in Music (AIM), Grades 1-5
The San Francisco Symphony and SFUSD’s partnership provides this sequential music education program to all SF public elementary schools. The interdisciplinary program integrates live music performances with a curriculum that enhances students’ awareness of music in the context of everyday life. Throughout the school year, AIM brings performers from diverse musical genres for in-school, participatory performances. Classrooms are also provided with resources and student workbooks to support the curriculum. The program culminates with an annual visit to Davies Symphony Hall for a performance by the full San Francisco Orchestra.
Sing-A-Long, Grades TK-5
Music and school community are celebrated every Friday morning with Sing-A-Long, led by first grade teacher Ms. Vaughn.