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Welcome to the Rooftop School PTA!

We are pleased to welcome you, your child, and your family to our wonderful community.  Rooftop is an exciting school where the administration, teachers and families work together to establish a challenging and safe environment where children can learn, create, explore, and grow. This is reflected in the regular curriculum and in our PTA funded programs such as Sensory Motor, Garden, Art, and more.

Parents and caregivers are a significant reason why the programs at Rooftop are so successful. In addition to providing the funding for these programs, every day parents and caregivers help in the classroom, read stories, do art projects, chaperone field trips, and take kids to the library, sensory-motor, or our garden. Students have a real sense of pride knowing that you and other families are contributing and making a difference. Your child will be proud of your participation—and you’ll have a great time, too.

We invite you to join the PTA and share your ideas and inspirations! PTA meetings are a great way to meet people and to share and make plans for our children and our community. In meeting other parents and caregivers, you will establish friendships for years to come! You’ll see how Rooftop works and help us continue to grow and manifest our mission with your valuable and original input. Much can be accomplished when a community is woven together in all its strengths, and we expect many things to happen this year on behalf of our children!

Please use this form if you have an idea or a program you would like to propose for the PTA to fund:

On behalf of the PTA Board – we extend you a warm welcome! Please watch the weekly school bulletins for PTA meeting dates. We’re looking forward to meeting you!


  • President – Courtney Armstrong

  • Vice President for Mayeda campus – VACANT

  • Vice President for Twin Peaks campus – Alicia Pollak

  • Secretary – Lexi Bautista

  • Treasurer – Stacy Sanders Young

  • Fundraising – Emily Sullivan 

  • Communications – Kim Nguyen-Ehrenreich & Karyn Vratimos 

  • Auditor – Valerie Deike

  • Membership  – Cate Starr

  • Outreach - VACANT

  • Historian – VACANT

  • Parliamentarian - Marcy McCullaugh

  • Teacher Representative for Mayeda campus – Aaron Weis

  • Teacher Representative for Twin Peaks campus – Eisa Gray

  • School Administration – Darren Kawaii, Principal

  • School Administration – J.D. Ellingson, Vice Principal

Contact the PTA at

Please use the following PTA Reimbursement form for reimbursement of expenses made on behalf of the PTA:

Copyright (c) 2024 Rooftop | All Rights Reserved

Twin Peaks Campus TK - 4th

443 Burnett Avenue
San Francisco, California 94131

Phone: 415.695.5691 - Fax: 415.695.5429

Mayeda Campus 5th - 8th

500 Corbett Avenue
San Francisco, California 94114

Phone: 415.522.6757 - Fax: 415.522.6763

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