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Rooftop offers a multitude of enrichment programs complimenting and integrating with our academic program.

Students have the opportunity to participate in the following extensive and unique programs including art, garden, library, music, outdoor education, performing arts, dance, sensory motor, and more.

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Art Program @Rooftop

“Art Is…” is a Rooftop art education program that uses works of art to provide an inexhaustible resource for exploration, reflection and understanding.  The program actively engages students, supports learning across the curriculum, and builds critical thinking skills through “hands-on” art making, reflection and research.

Rooftop’s Art Parents are an essential part of Rooftop’s Art Program, providing an invaluable contribution that brings visual art to the classroom on a weekly basis.  All parents are welcome to lead or assist in classroom art projects.

Rooftop's art program also includes clay instruction to create projects designed to build students' experience with clay as an artistic medium.

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